The World of the Habsburgs is more than just a narration of history: it is also a world of images that bring to life 650 years of our past. The World of the Habsburgs website contains more than a thousand images drawn from the most important Austrian collections as well as from numerous national and international institutions.
Without the support of these collections, museums and institutions it would not have been possible to realize this project. We thank them for their co-operation.

Abbey Church Muri

Artstetten Castle

Augustinian Church

Austria Tabak GmbH | The JTI Tobacco Collection Vienna

Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments (Bundesdenkmalamt)

Austrian State Archives

Benediktinerstift Admont

Bestattung Wien

Bundesmobilienverwaltung - Federal Administration of Moveables
Federal Pathologic-anatomical Museum

Göttweig Abbey

Graz Tourismus
Hungarian National Museum

Imperial Hunting Lodge Eckartsau - Donau Auen National Park of the Austrian Federal Forests AG
Innsbruck Tourismus
Kaiservilla Bad Ischl

Klosterneuburg Monastery

Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

Landesarchiv of Lower Austria and Lower Austrian Institute for Regional Studies

Landesmuseum of Lower Austria
Mariazell Pilgrimage Basilica

Money Museum and Collections of the Österreichische Nationalbank
Münze Österreich

Museum of Military History

Museum of the Celts

Natural History Museum Vienna

Österreichische Mediathek

Palais Liechenstein. The Princely Collections

Salzburg Museum
Schloss Lenzburg

Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H.
Seckau Abbey

Sigmund Freud Museum

St Stephen's Cathedral
Stadtarchiv St. Pölten

Stadtmuseum St Pölten

Technisches Museum Wien

The Viennese Tourist Board

Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
Universalmuseum Joanneum

Vienna University of Technology Library