While an arable crop ‘revolutionized’ the eating habits of people in the Habsburg Monarchy, an imperial plough mutated into an ...
A Question of food
It was not only the threat of state bankruptcy that the Habsburgs had to grapple with; in the eighteenth century ...
Financial Affairs
In the eighteenth century the Habsburg rulers saw themselves confronted with increasing energy consumption and congested traffic arteries. People were ...
On Land, on Water and in the Air
If their fate had depended on the male line, the Habsburg ruling dynasty would have died out in the middle ...
Reigns and Rulers VI
The Habsburgs led a lively existence outside the confines of Schönbrunn and the Hofburg. In some locations, they appear to ...
Secondary Arenas
The world of the Habsburgs was a vast one – both geographically and metaphorically. The Habsburgs ruled over a great ...
In Habsburg Lands
The many reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II affected not only the economic, educational and socio-political domain but also ...
The (Virtuous) Souls of the Monarchy
The emperor hovering over a microscope, the crown prince in his study? These would not have been unusual sights in ...
Exploring new horizons
‘It is my will …’: on 20 December 1857 Emperor Franz Joseph signed the decree that was to give the ...
(Re-)organizing the city
One of the political goals of the Enlightenment – known primarily as an intellectual and artistic movement in the eighteenth ...
Social change in the Enlightenment
Under Maria Theresa and Joseph II large-scale restructuring took place in the field of education. According to the edict on ...
Schools and Education
In the Habsburg Monarchy the people had been vigorously demanding a constitution, or regulated body of laws, since 1848. But ...
The Monarchy in Upheaval
Little commemorates the people who populated the Habsburg Monarchy – in contrast to those who ruled over them. The power ...
The Habsburg monument cult
In 1809, after divorcing his wife Josephine because she was no longer able to bear children, Napoleon set about finding ...
Napoleon and Marie Louise
