Everything is new, everything is quick, everything is good? That is what contemporaries may well have thought in view of ...
The Monarchy Becomes Modern
In the Habsburg Monarchy the people had been vigorously demanding a constitution, or regulated body of laws, since 1848. But ...
The Monarchy in Upheaval
The nineteenth century: the age of inventions, industrialization and progress – but actual development did not take place in quite ...
The Production of Progress
The sixteenth century saw large parts of the nobility becoming Protestant. If the Habsburgs emphasized their own Catholicism, it was ...
The Thirty Years’ War
A medieval town was home to a variety of social classes, with the members of the Court (if the town ...
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube – ‘Let others wage war: thou, happy Austria, marry’. This famous saying is ...
Tu felix Austria nube
With water cures, smallpox vaccination and practical medical training, an attempt was made to combat diseases and epidemics. Joseph II ...
Viennese Diseases
The love of peace is alleged to have been a typical Habsburg family characteristic. The innumerable wars waged during its ...
War and Peace
The size and power of attraction of the imperial Court, together with the huge expenditure on the Court household, was ...
With Pomp and Splendour
As early as the Middle Ages, the Habsburgs had already had their own Musikkapelle or band of musicians which consisted ...
With Trumpets and Drums
The ‘discovery’ and colonization of America brought new delicacies like chocolate, sugar and tobacco to Europe, where they first appeared ...
Worlds of Delight
Maria Theresa, her ladies-in-waiting, her dressmaker and probably even the latter ’ s maidservant all had something in common: their ...
‘A Kind of Frenzy’
From Italy a new art form arrived at the Habsburg court: the opera. With grandiose festivities and lavishly staged opera ...
‘We must have spectacle.’
