The beginnings of the house of Habsburg are shrouded in mystery. The difficulty of conducting research into its rise in ...
Reigns and Rulers I
It was not until the fifteenth century that the Habsburgs established their quasi-permanent seat at the head of the Holy ...
Reigns and Rulers II
In the middle of the fifteenth century the Habsburgs assumed the Roman-German imperial title, retaining it – with one interruption ...
Reigns and Rulers III
The early modern age saw the Habsburgs making considerable extensions to their dominions. Through war and dynastic marriages Maximilian I ...
Reigns and Rulers IV
The years around 1700 saw the Habsburgs continuing their upward path to great power status in Europe. This period also ...
Reigns and Rulers V
If their fate had depended on the male line, the Habsburg ruling dynasty would have died out in the middle ...
Reigns and Rulers VI
The conservative states of Europe could breathe again – Napoleon had had his day. The Habsburgs reacquired all the territories ...
Reigns and Rulers VII
Under Maria Theresa and Joseph II large-scale restructuring took place in the field of education. According to the edict on ...
Schools and Education
The Habsburgs led a lively existence outside the confines of Schönbrunn and the Hofburg. In some locations, they appear to ...
Secondary Arenas
As the saying goes, money makes the world go round. This is particularly true when there are wars to be ...
Shaken by Crises
One of the political goals of the Enlightenment – known primarily as an intellectual and artistic movement in the eighteenth ...
Social change in the Enlightenment
The many reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II affected not only the economic, educational and socio-political domain but also ...
The (Virtuous) Souls of the Monarchy
13 March 1848 – Revolution in the imperial capital. Metternich’s rigid system collapsed. The once influential statesman had to flee ...
The Battle for a Political Voice
The election of Rudolf I as ruler over the Holy Roman Empire propelled a family into the limelight of history ...
The Birth of a Dynasty
Every age has its ideas about the economy: the Habsburgs liked the mercantilist theories because they promised power and affluence. ...
The Dream of Affluence
Little commemorates the people who populated the Habsburg Monarchy – in contrast to those who ruled over them. The power ...
The Habsburg monument cult
The Vienna Hofburg is one of the most historically important architectural monuments in Europe: for centuries this imperial palace was ...
The Hofburg
Religious houses have always played a special part in the history and culture of Austria. The Habsburgs played a major ...
The Land of Monasteries
