"Die heimliche Ehe des Erzherzogs Ernst von Österreich und seine Kinder"

1. That their births be recognized, 2. That their father’s inheritance to which they were entitled be disbursed. (...) Since they are legitimate children they have a justified claim to their father’s name. (...) Accordingly the children of Archduke Ernst of Austria have the right to call themselves ‘von Habsburg’(...) . 1. The cash assets left by Archduke Ernst on his death, 2. All assets in excess of his debts once these have been settled, 3. The money set aside for his appanage, 4. The gift made by Princess Montleart and paid into the fund for the benefit of Archduke Rainer, 5. The latter’s share of the inheritance of Archduke Leopold, 6. The interest accruing from items 1 to 5. (…) The resulting principal of 9,682,000 gulden undoubtedly justifies a minimum claim by the children of 12,689,000 gulden.

In the book entitled Die heimliche Ehe des Erzherzogs Ernst von Österreich und seine Kinder (The Secret Marriage of Archduke Ernst of Austria and his Children) they demanded