The plague pandemic which became known as the Black Death killed about one-third of the population of Europe. The...

The Compromise with Hungary created the ‘Austro-Hungarian Monarchy’, dividing the Monarchy into two halves with...

After the victory over Napoleon the leading European powers negotiated a new political order at the Congress of...

The Congress of Vienna, 1814/15

18. Sep 1814–09. Jun 1815

A native of Stockholm, the painter Martin van Meytens was much travelled and enjoyed international renown. He was Maria...
The court painter Martin van Meytens

* 24. Jun 1695, † 23. Mar 1770

The royal Hungarian crown commemorates the first Christian king of Hungary, St Stephen (Hungarian: Szent István...

The Crown of St Stephen


The Crown of St Wenceslas (Czech: Svatováclavská koruna) is the crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia and named...

The Crown of St Wenceslas


The attitude of the Habsburgs to the Revolution was initially ambivalent: Leopold II evinced sympathy with the...

The French Revolution, 1789–1799

14. Jul 1789–1799
