The conservative states of Europe could breathe again – Napoleon had had his day. The Habsburgs reacquired all the territories ...
Reigns and Rulers VII
The nineteenth century: the age of inventions, industrialization and progress – but actual development did not take place in quite ...
The Production of Progress
Everything is new, everything is quick, everything is good? That is what contemporaries may well have thought in view of ...
The Monarchy Becomes Modern
The members of the imperial family had no need to worry about money, at least if they kept to certain ...
Money Does (Not) Matter
The love of peace is alleged to have been a typical Habsburg family characteristic. The innumerable wars waged during its ...
War and Peace
‘Leading service provider with 600 years of experience and illustrious client base seeks new team recruit. Do you have an ...
Downstairs and Upstairs
13 March 1848 – Revolution in the imperial capital. Metternich’s rigid system collapsed. The once influential statesman had to flee ...
The Battle for a Political Voice
Elisabeth is considered today the most popular Habsburg throughout the world. Her unconventional lifestyle and multifaceted biography, abbreviated to catchphrases ...
Where once the city walls of Vienna had stood was now the scene of a huge construction boom: public buildings ...
Architectural Splendour
Not all Habsburgs were granted the privilege of breathing their last in peace and quiet. Some had to pay for ...
Died of Unnatural Causes
With the death of Crown Prince Rudolf the succession of the dynasty had to be settled anew. Conflict within the ...
Decline and Fall
Many Habsburgs were noted for their piety and their devotion to the Catholic Church, so that we might almost talk ...
Pietas Austriaca
The Habsburg family is known above all as a ruling dynasty. Over a period of several centuries it brought forth ...
Is Only the Emperor Powerful?
Image cultivation, branding, etc., are terms which one would tend to associate more with modern communication culture. Yet when it ...
Image of a Dynasty
With water cures, smallpox vaccination and practical medical training, an attempt was made to combat diseases and epidemics. Joseph II ...
Viennese Diseases
